Sunday, July 14, 2013

The Nag Hammadi Library: Jesus, the NonLinear Scientist? Saying 9

9 Jesus said, (1) "Look, the sower went out, took a handful of seeds, and scattered them.

(2)  Some fell on the road, and the birds came and pecked them up.
(3)  Others fell on rock, and they did not take root in the soil and did not produce heads of grain.
(4)  Others fell on thorns, and they choked the seeds and worms devoured them.
(5)  And others fell on good soil, and it brought forth a good crop.  It yielded sixty per measure and one hundred twenty per measure."

(My NonLinear Interpretation):

Here, the sower of seeds is the *realizer*/sage attempting to share his/her Awakening with the masses!  Scattering those seeds (of truth) among the people, the *realizer* observes the outcome:

Those seeds that "fell on the road" naturally dissipated, meaning with soooo much truth hiding in plain sight, in every moment, in everything said and done, there are many more multidimensional truths being expressed than will be immediately acknowledged, because when the entire Universe can be dissolved/resolved into a single point, it's like a kazillion people/objects all trying to fit through a doorway all at once, and hence a timeXspace issue, in that living moment.

"Others fell on rock, and they did not take root in the soil (however fertile), and did not produce heads of grain." This means that some people are just not yet *ready,* and hold firmly to that place in their hearts, adamant that what they are already doing is the way to go, or at least the way for themselves, personally (not realizing Universal shared responsibility).  These folks will clam up/shut down and tune the sower/sage out, determined not to be invaded by any extraneous data that doesn't immediately fit into their conventional mindset/defense mechanisms/reasoning/comfort zone...

"Others fell on thorns, and they choked the seeds and worms devoured them."  These are the folks who readily fight back, get nasty, and argue / go to war for their conventional beliefs. Highly defensive/offensive/offended at any suggestion that they may have taken some wrong turns along the way, they will sooner go on the attack to protect their vested interests, and set out to destroy the messenger!

"And others fell on good soil, and it brought forth a good crop." These folks were "ripe" for the harvesting of Universal Truth/Enlightenment, *ready* to *listen* and learn, and *do the work* to selflessly live up to their inherent responsibility to become Awakened on behalf of all sentient beings.

"It yielded sixty per measure and one hundred twenty per measure."

Here, the one X two measure is the superimposition of the *two truths* upon the *One,* meaning that, to become Awakened/Enlightened of the true *Universal Process,* one must UNproject oneself back to his or her inherent, original *reality,* to *access* Enlightenment, but then, with all life/*Existence* (the Something/*One grain of Sand*/God Particle) beginning with that very first step outside the *Core*/The Nothing, one has no choice but to project, to create a life for oneself "out there," and to keep it projected "out there," in order to live.  But that living projection does not have to be done UNconsciously! "Zen mind/beginner's mind" means having *accessed* Consciousness and then gone back out into the world of living/projecting, *mindful* of the *higher truth* that reigns above one's own personal creativity.

Therefore, one must journey all the way to selflessness/Emptiness (of all projection) in order to become Awakened/Universally *Balanced,* but then, having become *realized* (at least once), one must *balance* that Ultimate Awakening with the everyday practicality of one's own creations, meeting each side (those *two truths*) halfway (the one X two measure)!  Enlightenment is a neverending journey of relentless return, because no one can "sit on the core" like a pillar of salt, and every time one goes back out into the world to project and play/create, one experiences newer things that then again have to be carried back to the *Core* on yet another and another journey of dissolution/resolution/*Aha!*  One will make many, many journeys to that Universal *Core,* each trip climbing *higher* and *Higher* in the process!

Buddhists, though highly realized, project Enlightenment farrrrr away from themselves into many, many more (linear)  lifetimes to come, but a concern I have with that is that, when none of those lifetimes are happening (meaning, being NonLinearly *accessed*) for one in the foreseeable *Now,* it becomes a bit of a pyramid scheme, in which there is never *success,* because when and if one ultimately dissolves and resolves everybody and everything to within herself/himself, after many, many more lifetimes to come, there won't be anybody or anything left outside oneself to reflect/*reflect* that success upon!  Becoming the Cosmic Christ when no one and nothing is left to witness or reflect that Cosmic Christ sort of makes it a moot point/Point!  Instead, I believe that with every new *aha!,* however small, the person has a selfless responsibility to immediately turn back around, into the *state of the art of the heart* of the everyday world in its currentmost status, to SHARE what has been learned/*realized*/*accessed,* which is the truly selfless and compassionate and Empathic way/*Way* to go, as opposed to forever chasing a distant linear goal in a NonLinear Universe that is soooo *One* that it is only then for that *One!*  John Lennon said it so well, when he often talked about how the Beatles took "one step at a time, and didn't think about anything more" after that...just that every next all their *energy* and *focus* could stay fully present with them in the real (current functional status) world, and every next step was in its best place to meet...*success!*  This is the way/*Way* to take everybody and everything along with you, into ever-increasing Consciousness! *One* step at a timeXspace!

Enlightenment is not an escape.  It's an inherent responsibility to *share* the *Now!* The scientific Jesus' sower of seeds was trying to do just that!

The Nag Hammadi Library: Jesus, the NonLinear Scientist? Saying 8

8 And he said, "Humankind" is like a wise fisherman who cast his net into the sea and drew it up from the sea full of little fish.

(2)  Among them, the wise fisherman discovered a fine large fish.
(3)  He threw all the little fish back into the sea and with no difficulty chose the large fish.
(4)  Whoever has ears to hear should hear!"

(My NonLinear Interpretation):

And he said, "Humankind" (the *balanced* human condition) is like a wise fisherman (sage) who cast his net (Tao 47/reflection) into the sea (what everybody else is doing) and drew it up from the sea full of little fish (acknowledgement of the plentiful stuff of the everyday projected world).

Among them, the wise fisherman (sage) discovered a fine large fish (the "Bigger Picture"/Universal Truth of NonLinear Consistency/Repetition/Multidimensionality, etc).

He threw all the little fish (stuff of convention) back into the sea (rejected unconscious projections) and with no difficulty chose the large fish ("Bigger Picture"/Consciousness/Enlightenment).

Whoever has ears
(is Awake enough) to hear should hear!

The Nag Hammadi Library: Jesus, the NonLinear Scientist? Saying 7

7 Jesus said, (a) "Blessings on the lion that the human will eat, so that the lion becomes human.

(b) And cursed is the human that the lion will eat, and the lion will become human."

(My NonLinear Interpretation):

This is about assimilation, and the perception that there is a hierarchy in the sentient world, such that humans are perceived to be more highly evolved than animals, which I am not totally in agreement with, which I will explain below.

Jesus is saying that the lion is assimilated into the *higher* world of humans, if that lion is eaten by a human, but invertedly the human is assimilated into lower evolution if eaten by the lion.

I totally agree with the *higher* and lower Universal *energies* across dimensions.

Here, I must suggest, though, that many animals retain *higher Consciousness*/Universal Empathy lost to distracted unconscious convention (note how they detect dangers earlier than humans and set out to protect themselves, when earthquakes, tsunamis, etc., are imminent!), and that what appears to be an absence of language in animals, by that convention, is simply convention's mistaken notion that language in animals has to readily present itself across species, such that humans should be able to understand what animals are communicating with each other, when humans are not *even* yet communicating with themselves, in (Universal) Truth!

I further suggest that what often appears as if animals are not interested in what interests humans is because animals, having retained their Universal Empathy, have long ago resolved, within that Empathy, what unconscious humans are still searching for.  Sure, humans are far more powerful and dangerous than animals, given their technologies to blow up the planet, etc., but those, too, are extensive efforts projected while so desperately in search of themselves!

Buddhists believe, as does Jesus, that animals are lower on the chain than humans, and famously even that one's mother may be the worm in one's garden, having devolved herself to a lower realm.  Having formally studied dolphin language (University/grad school) and observed how brilliant these creatures, along with whales, extensively, *process,* I still must say that while conventional linear scientists gaze at the skies in longing search of alien arrival, those NonLinear aliens are tapping them on the back to say, "turn around!"

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Nag Hammadi Library: Jesus, the NonLinear Scientist? Saying 6

6 (a) His disciples asked him and said to him, "Do you want us to fast? How should we pray? Should we give to charity? What diet should we observe?"

Jesus said,
(b) "Do not lie...
(c) ...and do not do what you hate,
(d) because all things are disclosed before heaven.
(e) For there is nothing covered that will remain undisclosed."

(My NonLinear interpretation):

The Universe doesn't miss a trick and can never be fooled!  Universal Truth is such that it is as though there is a built-in honors program, to anthropomorphize long enough to make my point, meaning that there is such a rigorous and isolated journey of one/*One* that has to be taken alone, and no one can *do the work* FOR you!  Teachers can only "play tour guide," but you are the one who projected yourself into distraction from Universal Enlightenment (the *realization* of your own, and the Universe's, inherent, original *reality!*), so you are the ONLY one who can UNproject yourself back out of that distraction, into the Truth!  It is as though there is an intention that anyone entrusted with possessing *that much information* has truly had to earn it, to prove themselves *Worthy!* of it.  In *reality,* it is simply the *balance* required of the NonLinear mathematics and multidimensionality of Universal Empathy!

Whether to fast, pray, give to charity, or observe a particular diet, it all ultimately comes down to being honest and truthful with oneself, because it is through the acceptance of one's genuine truth *within* oneself that one will then reflectively/ Empathically *realize* genuine truth *without* oneself!

Whether or not to "fast" superimpositionally depends upon whether or not one buys into, or consumes, unconscious convention.

Praying *wise,* Jesus had told them that the "kingdom" (Universal dynamic Reality) was in its Patriarchical *Energy* Era), his father/Father terminology, and that the place to locate Universal Reality was both inside and outside themselves, so where, and to whom, would/should they "pray" then, and where would they begin, they wondered?

Relative to whether or not they "should...give to charity," especially when they were already so poor themselves, analogically also suggests a concern over whether they should be helping others who are unaware (that there is even something more to life, such as Consciousness).

"What diet (to) observe" likewise also suggests the wonderment over what set of beliefs to consume.

Jesus said, "Do not lie, and do not do what you hate, because all things are disclosed before heaven.  For there is nothing covered that will remain undisclosed."

On the superConsciousness blog that began this set (of 4), I warned that one should never attempt to lie to the Universe, or to themselves, in their *doing the work* of the mother/father (etc.) analogies and superimpositions, or anything else, for that matter, because things would only become a lot harder and far more painful for them later on, as truths they are confronting multiply exponentially, such that they would then not only have their current-most *work* to do, but also be haunted by all that they had attempted to be less honest to themselves about.  Caught up in such a tangled web of deception, they would most likely defeat themselves altogether and run away, to escape that haunting confrontation.

Jesus was warning his followers that, whatever decisions they were to make for themselves, they had to be truly honest with themselves and authentic, or their journeys would meet just such a fate!  If you don't confront an issue when it surfaces for confrontation, it will persist in returning until it IS openly received and resolved into truth/Truth!

 Jesus said "there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed," and believe it or not, this also includes science's elusive, and long-sought, "wormholes," which, as I have pointed out on the "...superConsciousness for Scientists" blog, are NOT objects, but rather *ACCESSES!:*
Have you ever tried to put a puzzle together and none of the scrambled up pieces seemed to fit, until suddenly there is a slight recognition of something on a puzzle piece or two that springs you into action such that, after hours of wonderment, suddenly "in no time" you whip it all together in a flash, because of your sudden *aha!* moment? =) a wormhole you've just fallen through!

Wormholes are not some mystical, magical places that, again, are OBJECTS hiding out in the universe somewhere!

Wormholes are *ALIGNMENTS* (of yourself with Universal physics Truth) with soooo much information all at once that you can't go left, you can't go right, you can't go up, you can't go down, etc... (because they are perfectly Empathically *balanced*)...til you find yourself falling through the lookingglass like Alice in Wonderland, propelled by the trapped *energies* that had no other place to go! Relative to just how much you have Consciously figured out, your *accesses* rush you into other superimposed dimensions, through your wormhole you've fallen through, and...*suspend* you *there,* relative to the frequencyXintensity of your own reflection!

The more truthful you are WithinXWithout yourself, the more *balanced* (Universally *realized*/Conscious), and hence, the more *Empathically Aligned* with Universal Truth.  It is that Empathic Alignment that traverses relative timeXspace, wormhole-ing you into multidimensionality!

The Nag Hammadi Library: Jesus, the NonLinear Scientist? Saying 5

5 Jesus said, (1) Know what is in front of your face, and what is hidden from you will be disclosed to you.

(2) For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed."

The Universe is an open book, its entire Library of Truths "not so hidden at all" in each and every one of us, as well as within everything, anything.  As I've discussed in the "...for Scientists" Consciousness blog, "Stop the world!  You wanna get off, long enough to take a picture!"

Wherever you are, whatever you happen to be doing, stop!  Snap your fingers, as if taking a photo, and capture everything in its truth, and choose anything there, to realize it holds all the Answers, everything you could ever want or hope to know, simply by realizing it to its *Core.*  Everything is shared at that *Core,* so everything reduces to whatever you happen to choose as a *focal point* to explore Universal Truth.  Every event is included, as well, which is why events yet-to-manifest can be *realized* in the most extraordinary detail, long before manifestation!  They, too, share that same physics, that *Core Empathy,* with (and therefore accessible by) all/Awe!

On the primary SuperConsciousness blog (of this set of 4, linked in the first post here), I have written, 
"There's an X, Two/Too!  And an ... O...." with the following:

Draw a circle, and put a dot *in the middle* of it. =)

That's what the Universe looks like, its physics dynamics!  It is also what YOUR physics dynamics look like!  Yep!  You were born from that *middle.*  Everyone is!  And so is Everything, Everywhere, every Event, every Happening, every Whatever, the entire Universe!

Hold your hand up in front of yourself, palm facing you!  That is *within!* 
Turn your palm away from yourself.  That is *without!*
Back to yourself... *Within!*
Back out to the world... *Without!*

Within*Without*Within*Without!*  See the *reflection?*

Recognize your own physics within, and you will reflectively recognize the physics of everything without yourself!

With Consciousness, you *realize* that everything you approach is, in some way/*Way,* a reflection of yourself, both *within* yourself as well as *without!*  Everything else really IS there, in its own right, though, a problem that tends to really baffle folks just learning to *do the work!*  I've seen many seekers over the years attempting to suggest that there's nothing outside themselves, which can be very dangerous, because though it is all projection, one must maintain one's own dream outside oneself (project and ~ keep ~ it out there), or it really will all simply dissolve and go "poof!"  For real!  All life requires projection, but that doesn't mean one has to be oblivious to the reality that one is projecting, in the *process* of creating whatever they dream for themselves.  This is what the expression, "zen mind, beginners mind" is all about.  It simply refers to the process of becoming Conscious, and then going back out into the world to project, and live, but by then they are never far away from the *Core,* and easily *remember* that they are projecting and can correct themselves, if need be, returning themselves to the Truth again and again whenever needed!  There would be no wars in the world if only those creating them could master that dynamic of life!

If you're enlightened, you have your dream, but you also see it, and everything else going on within and without it, for what it all truly is!  That doesn't ruin its meaningfulnesses!  Quite the contrary, it enhances those meaningfulnesses, removing the angst of the unknown, as truth naturally would!  In the collective unconscious conventional world, folks don't realize the Universal *process* taking place, creating and living within their creations as "vested interests" that become terrifying to relinquish, so any suggestion of a need to "let go" of them often leads to warring, within and without. They are like dominoes being knocked over when life's many ripples come their way.

"Buried within the message itself is the key to decoding it," the movie Contact revealed.  Scientists have repeatedly commented that that movie is a "fantasy," but they are sadly, unconsciously, mistaken, missing its message of Universal Truth, as it tries to reveal "that key to decoding it!"  The Ancients,  however, Jesus apparently among them, *realized* that *key* as the power of reflection!

Jesus said, "Know what is in front of your face, and what is hidden from you will be disclosed to you!  For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed!"

An ancient analogy to Truth is water, through powerful experiences of gazing into it and observing its truths.  Hard and soft, life giving as well as life taking, its own dynamics are an open book, a  revelation of *higher reality!*  

Even the muddiest of waters will run clear, the sages proposed, when left to be *still.*

Thursday, July 4, 2013

The Nag Hammadi Library: Jesus, the NonLinear Scientist? Saying 4

4 Jesus said, (1) "The person old in days will not hesitate to ask a little child seven days old about the place of life, and that person will live.

(2) For many of the first will be the last...
(3) ...and will become a single one.

(My NonLinear Interpretation)

The Universe, quite basically and rather playfully speaking, is a tad bit "lazy," (making it far more *realizable* than it may seem), because it is simplistically *repetitious* throughout all/Awe!  Just like mirrors held up to face other mirrors, each *reflecting* the others, such that you can see layers upon layers upon layers upon layers of ...repetition... moving away from their *origins* and back again, *pulsatingXbreathing,* likewise the Universe, in Truth, is a system of reflecting repetitions!  Everything is a superimposition upon a superimposition upon a superimposition upon a superimposition...

Just as "the past" moves into "the future" and "the future" moves into "the past," within our own lives events at the beginning invertedly superimpose events in the end.  When you look closely enough, you can see that each of us is essentially (and actually) billions of "flashes in the reflective pan," so to speak!

Try this:  Hold up your hands, palms facing each other, make fists, except for your index fingers, and aim those at each other.  Next, slowly move your fingers toward each other and watch how your fingernails meet, superimpose in that moment, and then each keep on going their own way!  Now, sloooow that process down to very small movement, and watch as the "timeXspace relativity" of your lifetime (your fingernails) crosses paths, just like "the past" (your infancy) moves into "the future" (your aging status), and "the future" invertedly moves into the past, *sparking* the YOU that the superimposition creates as it moves along!  I have always been intrigued about how this soooo tries to reveal to us that every day, every moment in fact, we are a superimposition of ourselves (as are time and space), one step (or should I say too/two!) if we are not simply one person at all, but rather billions of versions of ourselves (aka: each other, when all is said and done) as we cross paths with our inverses, ever so imperceptibly, the elusive *Now* (home of the Universal *Core,* Shared Soul, science's elusive explosiveXimplosive "Big Bang" and The Nothing!), trying to find our way/*Way* (Tao) back "home" again!

Draw two horizontal lines, make them arrows, each inverted from the other, and then draw vertical lines through them, spaced across your arrows.  See those momentary pan flashes, aka zillions of different still/*still* photos of our many, many "mes?!"

While humans, as with any sentient species, apply meaningfulnesses to everything as a way of establishing and hopefully ensuring their own survival, to the Universe overall, every moment of our lives is just another still/*still* frame in its tourist/two-er ist videos!

If you have ever taken a statistics class, you certainly remember the "normal curve," so draw one of those, right now!  Simply draw a solid horizontal line across a page, and then immediately above it, draw a perfectly symmetrical "mountain," such that everything to its left is an equal inverse to its right!  Using little vertical dashes, like |, mark off your center and label it 0, and then add an equal amount to the left and right of your center line (3 will do, for the demonstration), and mark those as such:  

... -3,  -2,  -1,  0,  +1,  +2,  +3...

In *reality,* our lives resemble a somewhat "normal" curve, straight out of that good ole stats class you may have hoped you'd never see again.  With enough Consciousness, and eerie attentiveness, it can actually be seen that our lives can be folded over, such that what is seen and experienced in the beginning with be seen and experienced again in the end!  It is as creepy as it is something to curiously, and very *respectfully,* observe!  It is also sometimes way too much information!  Things you encountered, for instance, at ages 2, 4, 6 and 8, will be "met again" on the other side of your life, at 8, 6, 4 and 2... *reflectively* (and frequencyXintensity respectively!) on that "normal curve!"  Unresolved issues will surface to seek their resolutions in their own inverses and relative *energies* in the same way!


"The person old in days will not hesitate to ask a little child of seven days old
(one week/weak of projection, in relative simultaneity) about the place of life, and that person will live (through the child)!"...

"For many of the first will be the last (invertedly, the 'little child of seven days' will live through 'the person old in days.')"

"...and will become a single one." (a superimposition of the other!)

Hopefully, an *Old (Remembering) Soul!*


Observing the Universe from a *place* of realized *Presence,* meaning all the while attentively within it, no less, is absolutely fascinating!  What an astonishingly intriguing Universe we're all a part of, but what a shame only a rare handful get to actually Awaken to what it actually is, in Truth!  Missing out on Consciously SHARING that *realized Presence,* the vast majority of the world's population in any generation also misses out on *realizing* themselves for what and whom, as *Worthy* enough entities, they truly are!

It is also true that when we are born, until convention rushes in to redirect us, we have incredible raw, undistracted *access* to the physics truth of our own inherent reality, and then it is lost (for most)...until on the other side of life when that energy resurfaces as the dream of life fades, and the real truth once again tries to reclaim its rightful place.

The Nag Hammadi Library: Jesus, the NonLinear Scientist? Saying 3

3 Jesus said, (a) "If your leaders say to you, 'Look, the kingdom is in heaven,' then the birds of heaven will precede you.  If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you.  Rather, the kingdom is inside you and it is outside you.

(b) "When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will understand that you are children of the living father.  But if you do not know yourself, then you dwell in poverty, and you are poverty."

(My NonLinear Interpretation)

Ah, the 2500 year old Tao 47 immediately comes to mind!

Without going out of my door
I can know all things on earth
Without looking out of my window
I can know the ways of heaven

The farther one travels
The less one knows
The less one really knows**

Tao Te Ching (The Way Things Work)

Reflection vs projection (distraction)!

Conventional "authorities" not only lead the masses to believe in some projected, all powerful Kingdom of Heaven, away from themselves, with themselves forever made small/"less than" to the forever *More Than,* but they also lead those masses to wait for that linear (line-ar) manifestation of convention's distracted perception of "reality" as the only true reality, needing that rigid-only "physical evidence" as "proof" of what is real!  As in..."too late" physical evidence!  This is what science has inadvertently bought into, and why they are now running into their dreaded "philosophy!"  As previously discussed, problem is, they are demanding that conventional perception of physical evidence...

..."in a Universe of quite the contrary!"

Conventional perception of physical evidence is based upon a very, very limited recognition of/*ACCESS* to Universal Truth, without their *doing the work* or putting in the legitimate effort required of them to ASK the harder questions!  Rather than explore the complexities and abstractions of *higher reality,* (and *higher* definitive *accesses* to what constitutes "physicality"), convention and its trusted *authorities* ("leaders") persist in their faith-based effort to TELL the Universe what it "has to be," to fit into ONLY the "rules and regulations" they have in place to protect their conventional *reason-ing.*  But remember, those rules and regulations are only in place to support convention!  So, they persist in TELLING the Universe what it "has to"  be, instead of bothering to do the *higher work* of...ASKING it what it truly IS!

All the while, as convention and its "leaders" keep themselves distracted and oblivious to *higher* Universal *reality,* animals, those sentient beings who have NOT become distracted or domesticated by invention-convention, continue to maintain their "higher realizations" of *Universal Empathy,* which is why they are able to detect and act upon the early WARNING signs of natural and other disasters, and remove themselves from danger!

Meanwhile, lost in the throes of invention-convention, folks have rendered themselves clueless to the natural Universal WARNING SIGNS about imminent earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, floods, and so much more, that very genuinely reveal themselves months or more in advance, to those who have retained their ability to *listen!*

Therefore, in truth, completely blinded by the collective unconscious convention and its "leaders:"

"If your leaders say to you, 'Look, the kingdom is in heaven,' then the birds of heaven will precede you.  If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you.  Rather, the kingdom is inside you and it is outside you."

(b) "When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will understand that you are children of the living father.  But if you do not know yourself, then you dwell in poverty, and you are poverty."

For thousands upon thousands of years, ancient sages, observing Nature and the Cosmos, have *reflected* upon and *realized* the Universe's system of opposing forces, such that its *energies* flow from one polar opposite (aggression) to the other (passivity), through everything in between.  Without getting caught up in conventional cultural usages, they *heard* these reflective Universal *energies* as male/aggressive (Yang) and female/passive (Yin), and *in the middle,* the *Balance* of Androgyny!   These male and female opposing forces have even been built directly into their languages, such as Sanskrit, among others, which have grown into ours, as well, whatever language we speak!

In Plato's "Symposium," in which the concept of Love (*Balance*) is being discussed, Aristophanes professes that the original sexes were not two, but three: male, female, and the union of the two!  In Universal physics, the more *realized* one is, the more it is inescapably *recognized* that there are, indeed, five (most basically, with far more abstract variations of Order vs projected chaos), a NonLinear mathematical frequencyXintensity physics so incredibly revealing of the complexities and abstractions of life!

*Within* ourselves, the passive Matriarch lurks, in this, our era of the (however now fading) aggressive, authoritative Patriarch, and lurking *Without* ourselves, the Patriarch, that father/Father analogy, has become the foundation for the External Dependency of this Universal *energy* era we all find ourselves in.  It is this Patriarchical (aggressive *energy*) Era that Jesus was referring to, in his use of his "father/Father" analogy/terminology.  This is also very prevalent in the Bible, where, if read from an Enlightened perspective, it is likewise revealing of much of the Nag Hammadi revelations of the historical man Jesus!  Lacking these *higher Universal realizations* of the sages, it makes sense that conventional folks of his time and since have taken his language so...literally!

Humans are very young, as entities in the Universe, and are still very much in search of themselves, in a reflective, living, breathing, pulsating world in which our polar *energies* swing like a pendulum between (the physics of) *spirit* and *soul.* The more distracted into the workings of collective unconscious society, the less their Universal *realizations* are retained! The 2012 Apocalypse scare was, in reality, a noted shifting of the Patriarchial Era, as "he" gradually loses his aggressive *authority* and turns back around to reflect upon himself, as the *energies* move back toward the Matriarch!  This can be observed in the current and most recent generations, and in their ever-changing pop culture fads, as so many folks have found themselves evolving beyond collective/organized religion and faith, to go out there into the world without their traditional leanings to search elsewhere for themselves! The result: the overthrowing of political and religious powers (as seen so prevalently on the evening news), and...some essential mores and respectful, social sensitivities as well!

In Saying 3, Jesus was warning folks that the belief that jumping on the bandwagon of "what everybody else is doing," including their "leaders," assuming safety in following those masses, that it just has to be the correct, wisest and healthiest choice, is NOT the way to go!  It's the blind leading the blind!

"If you know yourselves, then you will be known" refers to the *reflection* that determines the pathways of that living *energy,* because we really are the weather/*whether,* but it takes a massive *realized* cooperative effort and *spirit* (vs *Core Soul*) within those *energies* to bring about equally cooperative/*reflective* results!

If you aren't Conscious enough to genuinely *realize* what is happening in the Universe, and why and how it is happening, then you indeed "dwell in (the) poverty" of your own unconsciousness, as well as the consequences!  As Awakened "children of the living father" (the Patriarchical  Universal *energy* Era), however, you *realize* what is happening, and how, what is moving and motivating everybody and everything, and that Awakening brings about the essential *balance* you need to empower yourself into a peaceful *spirit* and genuine Universal respect for the *processes* of life!

Please also see:
The God Particle
The Goddess Particle
Imagine *Know* Religion
The Nuclear Family: Multiplying Exponentially
*Clear Path* to Universal superConsciousness II...for Scientists

** Beatle George Harrison sang Tao 47 into a song, "The Inner Light," during his spiritual journey!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Nag Hammadi Library: Jesus, the NonLinear Scientist? Saying 2

2 Jesus said, "Let one who seeks not stop seeking until one finds. When one finds, one will be troubled. When one is troubled, one will marvel and will reign over all."

(My NonLinear Interpretation):

Everything we do in life is moved and motivated by our need to return ourselves to the *Universal Core Truth* of our Inherent Beingness, our very Existence. If one moves right, one is motivated to move left. If one goes up, one is motivated to go down, etc.. The Truth "lies" (see?!) *in the middle.*  That means that the perfect-most state (of Emptiness...of all projection/distraction) is at the Universal *Core,* but to live life itself, distraction from that perfect-most *Core Truth* is required!  (Movement into *The Something,* aka the beginning of "The scientific mass-to-matter God Particle!").  We have to project to live, but all life is the state (journey) of trying to learn how to UNproject ourselves back to that perfect-most *Core* of our inherent Universal Truth! So, everyone is moved and motivated toward both: the dream of living, while simultaneously the restoration of their *balanced Core* they distracted themselves from. 

*The Two Truths!* 

The more successful one is in restoring that *balance,* the more one is removed from convention ("what everyone else is doing"), but the rarity of genuine Enlightenment (that "less than 1% of the entire world's population") in society leaves the person feeling "left out," and "no longer fitting in." This is because we are always moved and motivated toward the opposite of where we *are,* because the opposites act like a sodium-potassium pump** of life that *causes* all "motivation" to begin (and end) with!

The natural, inherent, social (but becoming Conscious) being goes through an inescapable angst of isolation, and it is kind of like discovering there is no Santa Claus. etc., after a lifetime (til that point) of being led otherwise. 

Suddenly, everything one was living seems like a lie, and all one's vested interests in life, including traditions and meaningfulnesses, are seemingly gone. That is why "one will be troubled." 

But then, one "marvels" at the sheer beauty of it All/Awe, *realizing* the Bigger Picture, seeing the patterns of life, the structure in its seeming abstraction, its multidimensionality, the mathematics and translucence in language, etc., its Ultimate Empathy, where everything suddenly has an Answer! 

The Ultimate *Aha!*

Having *this much information* leaves one/*One* with the genuine ability to "reign over all," because one/*One* is then fluent in the inherent Nature and *Core* of ALL beings, and all Existence.

** Neurology: How the neurons in your brain work.

The Nag Hammadi Library: Jesus, the NonLinear Scientist? Saying 1

(From the Ancient Nag Hammadi Library's Gospel of Thomas, The Sayings of Jesus, the Sayings themselves borrowed from the book, "The Gnostic Gospels of Jesus," from foremost scholar on the subject, Marvin Meyer.  All superConscious, NonLinear interpretations of the words of Jesus are purely my own!)

These are the hidden sayings that the living Jesus spoke and Judas Thomas the Twin recorded.

1 And he said, "Whoever discovers the interpretation of these sayings will not taste death."

(My NonLinear Interpretation):

This refers to the Universe's being NonLinear, such that past and future, and future and past, cancel each other out, in a *reflective* Universe of opposing forces, leaving only NonLinear Now, making death an impossibility, *energy* wise, leaving only *change.*

Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Nag Hammadi Library - A New Discovery

The discovery of Ancient texts in Nag Hammadi, Egypt in the 1940s provides new *insights* and *higher realizations* into just who the historical man, Jesus, actually was, and what he was actually trying to teach!

Apparently hoping to empower the poor, overtaxed masses, enriching their *spirit* with freeing words of Universal Enlightenment, did he inadvertently confuse and anger the collective unconscious convention and its political and religious authorities, stirring his own vulnerability? All throughout human history, the *more highly evolved* have been persecuted, imprisoned, and/or put to death, as Enlightenment has terrified the distracted convention into destroying any hope of their own Awakening, sending *realizers* into "secret societies" and underground methods of communication. 

The historical Jesus, as revealed in those ancient texts (now called "The Nag Hammadi Library"), to *One* capable of *processing* its multidimensional language accurately from an Enlightened perspective, was indeed a NonLinearly Awakened, *Solitary Realizer* of his day! Every one of these newly discovered "Sayings of Jesus" reveals a regular man like any other who would not *even* know how to consistently say those things without a solid *grasp* of the NonLinear physics behind them, physics that are reflectively and inherently our own, as well!

The most important empowerment those folks could ever have benefited from would indeed have been their own Awakening!

Among the Nag Hammadi (Egypt) discoveries is "The Gospel of Thomas: The Sayings of Jesus," ancient texts dating back to 60 A.D. and earlier, which includes 114 "Sayings of Jesus," with no further commentary.

Consistent throughout these 114 "Sayings" is a difficult-to-deny *grasp* / *Universal Realization* of NonLinear Physics/Truth/*Reality,* which, when presented to folks with very little of anything more than unconscious convention to help them tackle such complex *processes,* leaves little to be wondered about where and how it all went from there!  Universal Truth had already been *realized* for ages before the man Jesus came along, in particular by Siddhartha Gautama 500 years earlier, the *One* who would be given the name "Buddha," which is simply a basic Sanskrit word for *realizer* (of Universal Truth).  Many sages before that *realizer*/buddha had also come before him, as well, but Consciousness is terrifying to the collective unconscious convention, because it feels like death to those who have to come to terms with the *reality* that there is soooo much more going on in the Universe than what they have spent their lives traditionally believing!  Rather than going through the pain of unprojecting all the wrong turns they've made, it's much easier for the unconscious world to destroy the messenger, in other words, than to WAKE UP!  The sad result is a world of people endlessly at war with themselves, *within* as well as *without,* continuing for thousands of years!  Anything, whatever it takes, to protect the comfort zone of the sleeping convention!

A purpose of this new blog is to explore each of these "Sayings of Jesus," one by one, to locate and discuss the NonLinear consistency in his teachings, and what it suggests about the man whose words these were:

"Whoever discovers the interpretation of these sayings will not taste death."

Was the man "Jesus" a misunderstood *Enlightened One* and NonLinear scientist of his day, 2000 years ago?

"Whoever has ears to hear should hear!"

This new blog promises to be incredibly intriguing to seekers of genuine Universal Truth!

An Introduction

Please also see the accompanying superConsciousness blogs (Set of 4):

*Clear Path* to Universal superConsciousness (A Step by Step Guide to *Doing the Work*)