3 Jesus said, (a) "If your leaders say to you, 'Look, the kingdom is in heaven,' then the birds of heaven will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is inside you and it is outside you.
(b) "When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will understand that you are children of the living father. But if you do not know yourself, then you dwell in poverty, and you are poverty."
(My NonLinear Interpretation)
Ah, the 2500 year old Tao 47 immediately comes to mind!
Reflection vs projection (distraction)!
Conventional "authorities" not only lead the masses to believe in some projected, all powerful Kingdom of Heaven, away from themselves, with themselves forever made small/"less than" to the forever *More Than,* but they also lead those masses to wait for that linear (line-ar) manifestation of convention's distracted perception of "reality" as the only true reality, needing that rigid-only "physical evidence" as "proof" of what is real! As in..."too late" physical evidence! This is what science has inadvertently bought into, and why they are now running into their dreaded "philosophy!" As previously discussed, problem is, they are demanding that conventional perception of physical evidence...
..."in a Universe of quite the contrary!"
Conventional perception of physical evidence is based upon a very, very limited recognition of/*ACCESS* to Universal Truth, without their *doing the work* or putting in the legitimate effort required of them to ASK the harder questions! Rather than explore the complexities and abstractions of *higher reality,* (and *higher* definitive *accesses* to what constitutes "physicality"), convention and its trusted *authorities* ("leaders") persist in their faith-based effort to TELL the Universe what it "has to be," to fit into ONLY the "rules and regulations" they have in place to protect their conventional *reason-ing.* But remember, those rules and regulations are only in place to support convention! So, they persist in TELLING the Universe what it "has to" be, instead of bothering to do the *higher work* of...ASKING it what it truly IS!
All the while, as convention and its "leaders" keep themselves distracted and oblivious to *higher* Universal *reality,* animals, those sentient beings who have NOT become distracted or domesticated by invention-convention, continue to maintain their "higher realizations" of *Universal Empathy,* which is why they are able to detect and act upon the early WARNING signs of natural and other disasters, and remove themselves from danger!
Meanwhile, lost in the throes of invention-convention, folks have rendered themselves clueless to the natural Universal WARNING SIGNS about imminent earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, floods, and so much more, that very genuinely reveal themselves months or more in advance, to those who have retained their ability to *listen!*
Therefore, in truth, completely blinded by the collective unconscious convention and its "leaders:"
"If your leaders say to you, 'Look, the kingdom is in heaven,' then the birds of heaven will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is inside you and it is outside you."
(b) "When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will understand that you are children of the living father. But if you do not know yourself, then you dwell in poverty, and you are poverty."
For thousands upon thousands of years, ancient sages, observing Nature and the Cosmos, have *reflected* upon and *realized* the Universe's system of opposing forces, such that its *energies* flow from one polar opposite (aggression) to the other (passivity), through everything in between. Without getting caught up in conventional cultural usages, they *heard* these reflective Universal *energies* as male/aggressive (Yang) and female/passive (Yin), and *in the middle,* the *Balance* of Androgyny! These male and female opposing forces have even been built directly into their languages, such as Sanskrit, among others, which have grown into ours, as well, whatever language we speak!
In Plato's "Symposium," in which the concept of Love (*Balance*) is being discussed, Aristophanes professes that the original sexes were not two, but three: male, female, and the union of the two! In Universal physics, the more *realized* one is, the more it is inescapably *recognized* that there are, indeed, five (most basically, with far more abstract variations of Order vs projected chaos), a NonLinear mathematical frequencyXintensity physics so incredibly revealing of the complexities and abstractions of life!
*Within* ourselves, the passive Matriarch lurks, in this, our era of the (however now fading) aggressive, authoritative Patriarch, and lurking *Without* ourselves, the Patriarch, that father/Father analogy, has become the foundation for the External Dependency of this Universal *energy* era we all find ourselves in. It is this Patriarchical (aggressive *energy*) Era that Jesus was referring to, in his use of his "father/Father" analogy/terminology. This is also very prevalent in the Bible, where, if read from an Enlightened perspective, it is likewise revealing of much of the Nag Hammadi revelations of the historical man Jesus! Lacking these *higher Universal realizations* of the sages, it makes sense that conventional folks of his time and since have taken his language so...literally!
Humans are very young, as entities in the Universe, and are still very much in search of themselves, in a reflective, living, breathing, pulsating world in which our polar *energies* swing like a pendulum between (the physics of) *spirit* and *soul.* The more distracted into the workings of collective unconscious society, the less their Universal *realizations* are retained! The 2012 Apocalypse scare was, in reality, a noted shifting of the Patriarchial Era, as "he" gradually loses his aggressive *authority* and turns back around to reflect upon himself, as the *energies* move back toward the Matriarch! This can be observed in the current and most recent generations, and in their ever-changing pop culture fads, as so many folks have found themselves evolving beyond collective/organized religion and faith, to go out there into the world without their traditional leanings to search elsewhere for themselves! The result: the overthrowing of political and religious powers (as seen so prevalently on the evening news), and...some essential mores and respectful, social sensitivities as well!
In Saying 3, Jesus was warning folks that the belief that jumping on the bandwagon of "what everybody else is doing," including their "leaders," assuming safety in following those masses, that it just has to be the correct, wisest and healthiest choice, is NOT the way to go! It's the blind leading the blind!
"If you know yourselves, then you will be known" refers to the *reflection* that determines the pathways of that living *energy,* because we really are the weather/*whether,* but it takes a massive *realized* cooperative effort and *spirit* (vs *Core Soul*) within those *energies* to bring about equally cooperative/*reflective* results!
If you aren't Conscious enough to genuinely *realize* what is happening in the Universe, and why and how it is happening, then you indeed "dwell in (the) poverty" of your own unconsciousness, as well as the consequences! As Awakened "children of the living father" (the Patriarchical Universal *energy* Era), however, you *realize* what is happening, and how, what is moving and motivating everybody and everything, and that Awakening brings about the essential *balance* you need to empower yourself into a peaceful *spirit* and genuine Universal respect for the *processes* of life!
Please also see:
The God Particle
The Goddess Particle
Imagine *Know* Religion
The Nuclear Family: Multiplying Exponentially
*Clear Path* to Universal superConsciousness II...for Scientists
** Beatle George Harrison sang Tao 47 into a song, "The Inner Light," during his spiritual journey!
(b) "When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will understand that you are children of the living father. But if you do not know yourself, then you dwell in poverty, and you are poverty."
(My NonLinear Interpretation)
Ah, the 2500 year old Tao 47 immediately comes to mind!
Without going out of my door
I can know all things on earth
Without looking out of my window
I can know the ways of heaven
The farther one travels
The less one knows
The less one really knows**
Tao Te Ching (The Way Things Work)
Reflection vs projection (distraction)!
Conventional "authorities" not only lead the masses to believe in some projected, all powerful Kingdom of Heaven, away from themselves, with themselves forever made small/"less than" to the forever *More Than,* but they also lead those masses to wait for that linear (line-ar) manifestation of convention's distracted perception of "reality" as the only true reality, needing that rigid-only "physical evidence" as "proof" of what is real! As in..."too late" physical evidence! This is what science has inadvertently bought into, and why they are now running into their dreaded "philosophy!" As previously discussed, problem is, they are demanding that conventional perception of physical evidence...
..."in a Universe of quite the contrary!"
Conventional perception of physical evidence is based upon a very, very limited recognition of/*ACCESS* to Universal Truth, without their *doing the work* or putting in the legitimate effort required of them to ASK the harder questions! Rather than explore the complexities and abstractions of *higher reality,* (and *higher* definitive *accesses* to what constitutes "physicality"), convention and its trusted *authorities* ("leaders") persist in their faith-based effort to TELL the Universe what it "has to be," to fit into ONLY the "rules and regulations" they have in place to protect their conventional *reason-ing.* But remember, those rules and regulations are only in place to support convention! So, they persist in TELLING the Universe what it "has to" be, instead of bothering to do the *higher work* of...ASKING it what it truly IS!
All the while, as convention and its "leaders" keep themselves distracted and oblivious to *higher* Universal *reality,* animals, those sentient beings who have NOT become distracted or domesticated by invention-convention, continue to maintain their "higher realizations" of *Universal Empathy,* which is why they are able to detect and act upon the early WARNING signs of natural and other disasters, and remove themselves from danger!
Meanwhile, lost in the throes of invention-convention, folks have rendered themselves clueless to the natural Universal WARNING SIGNS about imminent earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, floods, and so much more, that very genuinely reveal themselves months or more in advance, to those who have retained their ability to *listen!*
Therefore, in truth, completely blinded by the collective unconscious convention and its "leaders:"
"If your leaders say to you, 'Look, the kingdom is in heaven,' then the birds of heaven will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is inside you and it is outside you."
(b) "When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will understand that you are children of the living father. But if you do not know yourself, then you dwell in poverty, and you are poverty."
For thousands upon thousands of years, ancient sages, observing Nature and the Cosmos, have *reflected* upon and *realized* the Universe's system of opposing forces, such that its *energies* flow from one polar opposite (aggression) to the other (passivity), through everything in between. Without getting caught up in conventional cultural usages, they *heard* these reflective Universal *energies* as male/aggressive (Yang) and female/passive (Yin), and *in the middle,* the *Balance* of Androgyny! These male and female opposing forces have even been built directly into their languages, such as Sanskrit, among others, which have grown into ours, as well, whatever language we speak!
In Plato's "Symposium," in which the concept of Love (*Balance*) is being discussed, Aristophanes professes that the original sexes were not two, but three: male, female, and the union of the two! In Universal physics, the more *realized* one is, the more it is inescapably *recognized* that there are, indeed, five (most basically, with far more abstract variations of Order vs projected chaos), a NonLinear mathematical frequencyXintensity physics so incredibly revealing of the complexities and abstractions of life!
*Within* ourselves, the passive Matriarch lurks, in this, our era of the (however now fading) aggressive, authoritative Patriarch, and lurking *Without* ourselves, the Patriarch, that father/Father analogy, has become the foundation for the External Dependency of this Universal *energy* era we all find ourselves in. It is this Patriarchical (aggressive *energy*) Era that Jesus was referring to, in his use of his "father/Father" analogy/terminology. This is also very prevalent in the Bible, where, if read from an Enlightened perspective, it is likewise revealing of much of the Nag Hammadi revelations of the historical man Jesus! Lacking these *higher Universal realizations* of the sages, it makes sense that conventional folks of his time and since have taken his language so...literally!
Humans are very young, as entities in the Universe, and are still very much in search of themselves, in a reflective, living, breathing, pulsating world in which our polar *energies* swing like a pendulum between (the physics of) *spirit* and *soul.* The more distracted into the workings of collective unconscious society, the less their Universal *realizations* are retained! The 2012 Apocalypse scare was, in reality, a noted shifting of the Patriarchial Era, as "he" gradually loses his aggressive *authority* and turns back around to reflect upon himself, as the *energies* move back toward the Matriarch! This can be observed in the current and most recent generations, and in their ever-changing pop culture fads, as so many folks have found themselves evolving beyond collective/organized religion and faith, to go out there into the world without their traditional leanings to search elsewhere for themselves! The result: the overthrowing of political and religious powers (as seen so prevalently on the evening news), and...some essential mores and respectful, social sensitivities as well!
In Saying 3, Jesus was warning folks that the belief that jumping on the bandwagon of "what everybody else is doing," including their "leaders," assuming safety in following those masses, that it just has to be the correct, wisest and healthiest choice, is NOT the way to go! It's the blind leading the blind!
"If you know yourselves, then you will be known" refers to the *reflection* that determines the pathways of that living *energy,* because we really are the weather/*whether,* but it takes a massive *realized* cooperative effort and *spirit* (vs *Core Soul*) within those *energies* to bring about equally cooperative/*reflective* results!
If you aren't Conscious enough to genuinely *realize* what is happening in the Universe, and why and how it is happening, then you indeed "dwell in (the) poverty" of your own unconsciousness, as well as the consequences! As Awakened "children of the living father" (the Patriarchical Universal *energy* Era), however, you *realize* what is happening, and how, what is moving and motivating everybody and everything, and that Awakening brings about the essential *balance* you need to empower yourself into a peaceful *spirit* and genuine Universal respect for the *processes* of life!
Please also see:
The God Particle
The Goddess Particle
Imagine *Know* Religion
The Nuclear Family: Multiplying Exponentially
*Clear Path* to Universal superConsciousness II...for Scientists
** Beatle George Harrison sang Tao 47 into a song, "The Inner Light," during his spiritual journey!