7 Jesus said, (a) "Blessings on the lion that the human will eat, so that the lion becomes human.
(b) And cursed is the human that the lion will eat, and the lion will become human."
(My NonLinear Interpretation):
This is about assimilation, and the perception that there is a hierarchy in the sentient world, such that humans are perceived to be more highly evolved than animals, which I am not totally in agreement with, which I will explain below.
Jesus is saying that the lion is assimilated into the *higher* world of humans, if that lion is eaten by a human, but invertedly the human is assimilated into lower evolution if eaten by the lion.
I totally agree with the *higher* and lower Universal *energies* across dimensions.
Here, I must suggest, though, that many animals retain *higher Consciousness*/Universal Empathy lost to distracted unconscious convention (note how they detect dangers earlier than humans and set out to protect themselves, when earthquakes, tsunamis, etc., are imminent!), and that what appears to be an absence of language in animals, by that convention, is simply convention's mistaken notion that language in animals has to readily present itself across species, such that humans should be able to understand what animals are communicating with each other, when humans are not *even* yet communicating with themselves, in (Universal) Truth!
I further suggest that what often appears as if animals are not interested in what interests humans is because animals, having retained their Universal Empathy, have long ago resolved, within that Empathy, what unconscious humans are still searching for. Sure, humans are far more powerful and dangerous than animals, given their technologies to blow up the planet, etc., but those, too, are extensive efforts projected while so desperately in search of themselves!
Buddhists believe, as does Jesus, that animals are lower on the chain than humans, and famously even that one's mother may be the worm in one's garden, having devolved herself to a lower realm. Having formally studied dolphin language (University/grad school) and observed how brilliant these creatures, along with whales, extensively, *process,* I still must say that while conventional linear scientists gaze at the skies in longing search of alien arrival, those NonLinear aliens are tapping them on the back to say, "turn around!"
(b) And cursed is the human that the lion will eat, and the lion will become human."
(My NonLinear Interpretation):
This is about assimilation, and the perception that there is a hierarchy in the sentient world, such that humans are perceived to be more highly evolved than animals, which I am not totally in agreement with, which I will explain below.
Jesus is saying that the lion is assimilated into the *higher* world of humans, if that lion is eaten by a human, but invertedly the human is assimilated into lower evolution if eaten by the lion.
I totally agree with the *higher* and lower Universal *energies* across dimensions.
Here, I must suggest, though, that many animals retain *higher Consciousness*/Universal Empathy lost to distracted unconscious convention (note how they detect dangers earlier than humans and set out to protect themselves, when earthquakes, tsunamis, etc., are imminent!), and that what appears to be an absence of language in animals, by that convention, is simply convention's mistaken notion that language in animals has to readily present itself across species, such that humans should be able to understand what animals are communicating with each other, when humans are not *even* yet communicating with themselves, in (Universal) Truth!
I further suggest that what often appears as if animals are not interested in what interests humans is because animals, having retained their Universal Empathy, have long ago resolved, within that Empathy, what unconscious humans are still searching for. Sure, humans are far more powerful and dangerous than animals, given their technologies to blow up the planet, etc., but those, too, are extensive efforts projected while so desperately in search of themselves!
Buddhists believe, as does Jesus, that animals are lower on the chain than humans, and famously even that one's mother may be the worm in one's garden, having devolved herself to a lower realm. Having formally studied dolphin language (University/grad school) and observed how brilliant these creatures, along with whales, extensively, *process,* I still must say that while conventional linear scientists gaze at the skies in longing search of alien arrival, those NonLinear aliens are tapping them on the back to say, "turn around!"