6 (a) His disciples asked him and said to him, "Do you want us to fast? How should we pray? Should we give to charity? What diet should we observe?"
Jesus said,
(b) "Do not lie...
(c) ...and do not do what you hate,
(d) because all things are disclosed before heaven.
(e) For there is nothing covered that will remain undisclosed."
(My NonLinear interpretation):
The Universe doesn't miss a trick and can never be fooled! Universal Truth is such that it is as though there is a built-in honors program, to anthropomorphize long enough to make my point, meaning that there is such a rigorous and isolated journey of one/*One* that has to be taken alone, and no one can *do the work* FOR you! Teachers can only "play tour guide," but you are the one who projected yourself into distraction from Universal Enlightenment (the *realization* of your own, and the Universe's, inherent, original *reality!*), so you are the ONLY one who can UNproject yourself back out of that distraction, into the Truth! It is as though there is an intention that anyone entrusted with possessing *that much information* has truly had to earn it, to prove themselves *Worthy!* of it. In *reality,* it is simply the *balance* required of the NonLinear mathematics and multidimensionality of Universal Empathy!
Whether to fast, pray, give to charity, or observe a particular diet, it all ultimately comes down to being honest and truthful with oneself, because it is through the acceptance of one's genuine truth *within* oneself that one will then reflectively/ Empathically *realize* genuine truth *without* oneself!
Whether or not to "fast" superimpositionally depends upon whether or not one buys into, or consumes, unconscious convention.
Praying *wise,* Jesus had told them that the "kingdom" (Universal dynamic Reality) was in its Patriarchical *Energy* Era), his father/Father terminology, and that the place to locate Universal Reality was both inside and outside themselves, so where, and to whom, would/should they "pray" then, and where would they begin, they wondered?
Relative to whether or not they "should...give to charity," especially when they were already so poor themselves, analogically also suggests a concern over whether they should be helping others who are unaware (that there is even something more to life, such as Consciousness).
"What diet (to) observe" likewise also suggests the wonderment over what set of beliefs to consume.
Jesus said, "Do not lie, and do not do what you hate, because all things are disclosed before heaven. For there is nothing covered that will remain undisclosed."
On the superConsciousness blog that began this set (of 4), I warned that one should never attempt to lie to the Universe, or to themselves, in their *doing the work* of the mother/father (etc.) analogies and superimpositions, or anything else, for that matter, because things would only become a lot harder and far more painful for them later on, as truths they are confronting multiply exponentially, such that they would then not only have their current-most *work* to do, but also be haunted by all that they had attempted to be less honest to themselves about. Caught up in such a tangled web of deception, they would most likely defeat themselves altogether and run away, to escape that haunting confrontation.
Jesus was warning his followers that, whatever decisions they were to make for themselves, they had to be truly honest with themselves and authentic, or their journeys would meet just such a fate! If you don't confront an issue when it surfaces for confrontation, it will persist in returning until it IS openly received and resolved into truth/Truth!
Jesus said "there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed," and believe it or not, this also includes science's elusive, and long-sought, "wormholes," which, as I have pointed out on the "...superConsciousness for Scientists" blog, are NOT objects, but rather *ACCESSES!:*
The more truthful you are WithinXWithout yourself, the more *balanced* (Universally *realized*/Conscious), and hence, the more *Empathically Aligned* with Universal Truth. It is that Empathic Alignment that traverses relative timeXspace, wormhole-ing you into multidimensionality!
Jesus said,
(b) "Do not lie...
(c) ...and do not do what you hate,
(d) because all things are disclosed before heaven.
(e) For there is nothing covered that will remain undisclosed."
(My NonLinear interpretation):
The Universe doesn't miss a trick and can never be fooled! Universal Truth is such that it is as though there is a built-in honors program, to anthropomorphize long enough to make my point, meaning that there is such a rigorous and isolated journey of one/*One* that has to be taken alone, and no one can *do the work* FOR you! Teachers can only "play tour guide," but you are the one who projected yourself into distraction from Universal Enlightenment (the *realization* of your own, and the Universe's, inherent, original *reality!*), so you are the ONLY one who can UNproject yourself back out of that distraction, into the Truth! It is as though there is an intention that anyone entrusted with possessing *that much information* has truly had to earn it, to prove themselves *Worthy!* of it. In *reality,* it is simply the *balance* required of the NonLinear mathematics and multidimensionality of Universal Empathy!
Whether to fast, pray, give to charity, or observe a particular diet, it all ultimately comes down to being honest and truthful with oneself, because it is through the acceptance of one's genuine truth *within* oneself that one will then reflectively/ Empathically *realize* genuine truth *without* oneself!
Whether or not to "fast" superimpositionally depends upon whether or not one buys into, or consumes, unconscious convention.
Praying *wise,* Jesus had told them that the "kingdom" (Universal dynamic Reality) was in its Patriarchical *Energy* Era), his father/Father terminology, and that the place to locate Universal Reality was both inside and outside themselves, so where, and to whom, would/should they "pray" then, and where would they begin, they wondered?
Relative to whether or not they "should...give to charity," especially when they were already so poor themselves, analogically also suggests a concern over whether they should be helping others who are unaware (that there is even something more to life, such as Consciousness).
"What diet (to) observe" likewise also suggests the wonderment over what set of beliefs to consume.
Jesus said, "Do not lie, and do not do what you hate, because all things are disclosed before heaven. For there is nothing covered that will remain undisclosed."
On the superConsciousness blog that began this set (of 4), I warned that one should never attempt to lie to the Universe, or to themselves, in their *doing the work* of the mother/father (etc.) analogies and superimpositions, or anything else, for that matter, because things would only become a lot harder and far more painful for them later on, as truths they are confronting multiply exponentially, such that they would then not only have their current-most *work* to do, but also be haunted by all that they had attempted to be less honest to themselves about. Caught up in such a tangled web of deception, they would most likely defeat themselves altogether and run away, to escape that haunting confrontation.
Jesus was warning his followers that, whatever decisions they were to make for themselves, they had to be truly honest with themselves and authentic, or their journeys would meet just such a fate! If you don't confront an issue when it surfaces for confrontation, it will persist in returning until it IS openly received and resolved into truth/Truth!
Jesus said "there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed," and believe it or not, this also includes science's elusive, and long-sought, "wormholes," which, as I have pointed out on the "...superConsciousness for Scientists" blog, are NOT objects, but rather *ACCESSES!:*
Have you ever tried to put a puzzle together and none of the scrambled up pieces seemed to fit, until suddenly there is a slight recognition of something on a puzzle piece or two that springs you into action such that, after hours of wonderment, suddenly "in no time" you whip it all together in a flash, because of your sudden *aha!* moment? =)
THAT...is a wormhole you've just fallen through!
Wormholes are not some mystical, magical places that, again, are OBJECTS hiding out in the universe somewhere!
Wormholes are *ALIGNMENTS* (of yourself with Universal physics Truth) with soooo much information all at once that you can't go left, you can't go right, you can't go up, you can't go down, etc... (because they are perfectly Empathically *balanced*)...til you find yourself falling through the lookingglass like Alice in Wonderland, propelled by the trapped *energies* that had no other place to go! Relative to just how much you have Consciously figured out, your *accesses* rush you into other superimposed dimensions, through your wormhole you've fallen through, and...*suspend* you *there,* relative to the frequencyXintensity of your own reflection!
The more truthful you are WithinXWithout yourself, the more *balanced* (Universally *realized*/Conscious), and hence, the more *Empathically Aligned* with Universal Truth. It is that Empathic Alignment that traverses relative timeXspace, wormhole-ing you into multidimensionality!