5 Jesus said, (1) Know what is in front of your face, and what is hidden from you will be disclosed to you.
(2) For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed."
The Universe is an open book, its entire Library of Truths "not so hidden at all" in each and every one of us, as well as within everything, anything. As I've discussed in the "...for Scientists" Consciousness blog, "Stop the world! You wanna get off, long enough to take a picture!"
Wherever you are, whatever you happen to be doing, stop! Snap your fingers, as if taking a photo, and capture everything in its truth, and choose anything there, to realize it holds all the Answers, everything you could ever want or hope to know, simply by realizing it to its *Core.* Everything is shared at that *Core,* so everything reduces to whatever you happen to choose as a *focal point* to explore Universal Truth. Every event is included, as well, which is why events yet-to-manifest can be *realized* in the most extraordinary detail, long before manifestation! They, too, share that same physics, that *Core Empathy,* with (and therefore accessible by) all/Awe!
On the primary SuperConsciousness blog (of this set of 4, linked in the first post here), I have written,
(2) For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed."
The Universe is an open book, its entire Library of Truths "not so hidden at all" in each and every one of us, as well as within everything, anything. As I've discussed in the "...for Scientists" Consciousness blog, "Stop the world! You wanna get off, long enough to take a picture!"
Wherever you are, whatever you happen to be doing, stop! Snap your fingers, as if taking a photo, and capture everything in its truth, and choose anything there, to realize it holds all the Answers, everything you could ever want or hope to know, simply by realizing it to its *Core.* Everything is shared at that *Core,* so everything reduces to whatever you happen to choose as a *focal point* to explore Universal Truth. Every event is included, as well, which is why events yet-to-manifest can be *realized* in the most extraordinary detail, long before manifestation! They, too, share that same physics, that *Core Empathy,* with (and therefore accessible by) all/Awe!
On the primary SuperConsciousness blog (of this set of 4, linked in the first post here), I have written,
"There's an X, Two/Too! And an ... O...." with the following:
Draw a circle, and put a dot *in the middle* of it. =)
That's what the Universe looks like, its physics dynamics! It is also what YOUR physics dynamics look like! Yep! You were born from that *middle.* Everyone is! And so is Everything, Everywhere, every Event, every Happening, every Whatever, Ever...in the entire Universe!
Hold your hand up in front of yourself, palm facing you! That is *within!*
Turn your palm away from yourself. That is *without!*
Back to yourself... *Within!*
Back out to the world... *Without!*
*Within*Without*Within*Without!* See the *reflection?*
Recognize your own physics within, and you will reflectively recognize the physics of everything without yourself!
With Consciousness, you *realize* that everything you approach is, in some way/*Way,* a reflection of yourself, both *within* yourself as well as *without!* Everything else really IS there, in its own right, though, a problem that tends to really baffle folks just learning to *do the work!* I've seen many seekers over the years attempting to suggest that there's nothing outside themselves, which can be very dangerous, because though it is all projection, one must maintain one's own dream outside oneself (project and ~ keep ~ it out there), or it really will all simply dissolve and go "poof!" For real! All life requires projection, but that doesn't mean one has to be oblivious to the reality that one is projecting, in the *process* of creating whatever they dream for themselves. This is what the expression, "zen mind, beginners mind" is all about. It simply refers to the process of becoming Conscious, and then going back out into the world to project, and live, but by then they are never far away from the *Core,* and easily *remember* that they are projecting and can correct themselves, if need be, returning themselves to the Truth again and again whenever needed! There would be no wars in the world if only those creating them could master that dynamic of life!
If you're enlightened, you have your dream, but you also see it, and everything else going on within and without it, for what it all truly is! That doesn't ruin its meaningfulnesses! Quite the contrary, it enhances those meaningfulnesses, removing the angst of the unknown, as truth naturally would! In the collective unconscious conventional world, folks don't realize the Universal *process* taking place, creating and living within their creations as "vested interests" that become terrifying to relinquish, so any suggestion of a need to "let go" of them often leads to warring, within and without. They are like dominoes being knocked over when life's many ripples come their way.
"Buried within the message itself is the key to decoding it," the movie Contact revealed. Scientists have repeatedly commented that that movie is a "fantasy," but they are sadly, unconsciously, mistaken, missing its message of Universal Truth, as it tries to reveal "that key to decoding it!" The Ancients, however, Jesus apparently among them, *realized* that *key* as the power of reflection!
Jesus said, "Know what is in front of your face, and what is hidden from you will be disclosed to you! For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed!"
An ancient analogy to Truth is water, through powerful experiences of gazing into it and observing its truths. Hard and soft, life giving as well as life taking, its own dynamics are an open book, a revelation of *higher reality!*
Even the muddiest of waters will run clear, the sages proposed, when left to be *still.*
Draw a circle, and put a dot *in the middle* of it. =)
That's what the Universe looks like, its physics dynamics! It is also what YOUR physics dynamics look like! Yep! You were born from that *middle.* Everyone is! And so is Everything, Everywhere, every Event, every Happening, every Whatever, Ever...in the entire Universe!
Hold your hand up in front of yourself, palm facing you! That is *within!*
Turn your palm away from yourself. That is *without!*
Back to yourself... *Within!*
Back out to the world... *Without!*
*Within*Without*Within*Without!* See the *reflection?*
Recognize your own physics within, and you will reflectively recognize the physics of everything without yourself!
With Consciousness, you *realize* that everything you approach is, in some way/*Way,* a reflection of yourself, both *within* yourself as well as *without!* Everything else really IS there, in its own right, though, a problem that tends to really baffle folks just learning to *do the work!* I've seen many seekers over the years attempting to suggest that there's nothing outside themselves, which can be very dangerous, because though it is all projection, one must maintain one's own dream outside oneself (project and ~ keep ~ it out there), or it really will all simply dissolve and go "poof!" For real! All life requires projection, but that doesn't mean one has to be oblivious to the reality that one is projecting, in the *process* of creating whatever they dream for themselves. This is what the expression, "zen mind, beginners mind" is all about. It simply refers to the process of becoming Conscious, and then going back out into the world to project, and live, but by then they are never far away from the *Core,* and easily *remember* that they are projecting and can correct themselves, if need be, returning themselves to the Truth again and again whenever needed! There would be no wars in the world if only those creating them could master that dynamic of life!
If you're enlightened, you have your dream, but you also see it, and everything else going on within and without it, for what it all truly is! That doesn't ruin its meaningfulnesses! Quite the contrary, it enhances those meaningfulnesses, removing the angst of the unknown, as truth naturally would! In the collective unconscious conventional world, folks don't realize the Universal *process* taking place, creating and living within their creations as "vested interests" that become terrifying to relinquish, so any suggestion of a need to "let go" of them often leads to warring, within and without. They are like dominoes being knocked over when life's many ripples come their way.
"Buried within the message itself is the key to decoding it," the movie Contact revealed. Scientists have repeatedly commented that that movie is a "fantasy," but they are sadly, unconsciously, mistaken, missing its message of Universal Truth, as it tries to reveal "that key to decoding it!" The Ancients, however, Jesus apparently among them, *realized* that *key* as the power of reflection!
Jesus said, "Know what is in front of your face, and what is hidden from you will be disclosed to you! For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed!"
An ancient analogy to Truth is water, through powerful experiences of gazing into it and observing its truths. Hard and soft, life giving as well as life taking, its own dynamics are an open book, a revelation of *higher reality!*
Even the muddiest of waters will run clear, the sages proposed, when left to be *still.*