Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Nag Hammadi Library - A New Discovery

The discovery of Ancient texts in Nag Hammadi, Egypt in the 1940s provides new *insights* and *higher realizations* into just who the historical man, Jesus, actually was, and what he was actually trying to teach!

Apparently hoping to empower the poor, overtaxed masses, enriching their *spirit* with freeing words of Universal Enlightenment, did he inadvertently confuse and anger the collective unconscious convention and its political and religious authorities, stirring his own vulnerability? All throughout human history, the *more highly evolved* have been persecuted, imprisoned, and/or put to death, as Enlightenment has terrified the distracted convention into destroying any hope of their own Awakening, sending *realizers* into "secret societies" and underground methods of communication. 

The historical Jesus, as revealed in those ancient texts (now called "The Nag Hammadi Library"), to *One* capable of *processing* its multidimensional language accurately from an Enlightened perspective, was indeed a NonLinearly Awakened, *Solitary Realizer* of his day! Every one of these newly discovered "Sayings of Jesus" reveals a regular man like any other who would not *even* know how to consistently say those things without a solid *grasp* of the NonLinear physics behind them, physics that are reflectively and inherently our own, as well!

The most important empowerment those folks could ever have benefited from would indeed have been their own Awakening!

Among the Nag Hammadi (Egypt) discoveries is "The Gospel of Thomas: The Sayings of Jesus," ancient texts dating back to 60 A.D. and earlier, which includes 114 "Sayings of Jesus," with no further commentary.

Consistent throughout these 114 "Sayings" is a difficult-to-deny *grasp* / *Universal Realization* of NonLinear Physics/Truth/*Reality,* which, when presented to folks with very little of anything more than unconscious convention to help them tackle such complex *processes,* leaves little to be wondered about where and how it all went from there!  Universal Truth had already been *realized* for ages before the man Jesus came along, in particular by Siddhartha Gautama 500 years earlier, the *One* who would be given the name "Buddha," which is simply a basic Sanskrit word for *realizer* (of Universal Truth).  Many sages before that *realizer*/buddha had also come before him, as well, but Consciousness is terrifying to the collective unconscious convention, because it feels like death to those who have to come to terms with the *reality* that there is soooo much more going on in the Universe than what they have spent their lives traditionally believing!  Rather than going through the pain of unprojecting all the wrong turns they've made, it's much easier for the unconscious world to destroy the messenger, in other words, than to WAKE UP!  The sad result is a world of people endlessly at war with themselves, *within* as well as *without,* continuing for thousands of years!  Anything, whatever it takes, to protect the comfort zone of the sleeping convention!

A purpose of this new blog is to explore each of these "Sayings of Jesus," one by one, to locate and discuss the NonLinear consistency in his teachings, and what it suggests about the man whose words these were:

"Whoever discovers the interpretation of these sayings will not taste death."

Was the man "Jesus" a misunderstood *Enlightened One* and NonLinear scientist of his day, 2000 years ago?

"Whoever has ears to hear should hear!"

This new blog promises to be incredibly intriguing to seekers of genuine Universal Truth!