4 Jesus said, (1) "The person old in days will not hesitate to ask a little child seven days old about the place of life, and that person will live.
(2) For many of the first will be the last...
(3) ...and will become a single one.
(My NonLinear Interpretation)
The Universe, quite basically and rather playfully speaking, is a tad bit "lazy," (making it far more *realizable* than it may seem), because it is simplistically *repetitious* throughout all/Awe! Just like mirrors held up to face other mirrors, each *reflecting* the others, such that you can see layers upon layers upon layers upon layers of ...repetition... moving away from their *origins* and back again, *pulsatingXbreathing,* likewise the Universe, in Truth, is a system of reflecting repetitions! Everything is a superimposition upon a superimposition upon a superimposition upon a superimposition...
Just as "the past" moves into "the future" and "the future" moves into "the past," within our own lives events at the beginning invertedly superimpose events in the end. When you look closely enough, you can see that each of us is essentially (and actually) billions of "flashes in the reflective pan," so to speak!
Try this: Hold up your hands, palms facing each other, make fists, except for your index fingers, and aim those at each other. Next, slowly move your fingers toward each other and watch how your fingernails meet, superimpose in that moment, and then each keep on going their own way! Now, sloooow that process down to very small movement, and watch as the "timeXspace relativity" of your lifetime (your fingernails) crosses paths, just like "the past" (your infancy) moves into "the future" (your aging status), and "the future" invertedly moves into the past, *sparking* the YOU that the superimposition creates as it moves along! I have always been intrigued about how this soooo tries to reveal to us that every day, every moment in fact, we are a superimposition of ourselves (as are time and space), one step (or should I say too/two!) removed...as if we are not simply one person at all, but rather billions of versions of ourselves (aka: each other, when all is said and done) as we cross paths with our inverses, ever so imperceptibly, the elusive *Now* (home of the Universal *Core,* Shared Soul, science's elusive explosiveXimplosive "Big Bang" and The Nothing!), trying to find our way/*Way* (Tao) back "home" again!
Draw two horizontal lines, make them arrows, each inverted from the other, and then draw vertical lines through them, spaced across your arrows. See those momentary pan flashes, aka zillions of different still/*still* photos of our many, many "mes?!"
While humans, as with any sentient species, apply meaningfulnesses to everything as a way of establishing and hopefully ensuring their own survival, to the Universe overall, every moment of our lives is just another still/*still* frame in its tourist/two-er ist videos!
If you have ever taken a statistics class, you certainly remember the "normal curve," so draw one of those, right now! Simply draw a solid horizontal line across a page, and then immediately above it, draw a perfectly symmetrical "mountain," such that everything to its left is an equal inverse to its right! Using little vertical dashes, like |, mark off your center and label it 0, and then add an equal amount to the left and right of your center line (3 will do, for the demonstration), and mark those as such:
(2) For many of the first will be the last...
(3) ...and will become a single one.
(My NonLinear Interpretation)
The Universe, quite basically and rather playfully speaking, is a tad bit "lazy," (making it far more *realizable* than it may seem), because it is simplistically *repetitious* throughout all/Awe! Just like mirrors held up to face other mirrors, each *reflecting* the others, such that you can see layers upon layers upon layers upon layers of ...repetition... moving away from their *origins* and back again, *pulsatingXbreathing,* likewise the Universe, in Truth, is a system of reflecting repetitions! Everything is a superimposition upon a superimposition upon a superimposition upon a superimposition...
Just as "the past" moves into "the future" and "the future" moves into "the past," within our own lives events at the beginning invertedly superimpose events in the end. When you look closely enough, you can see that each of us is essentially (and actually) billions of "flashes in the reflective pan," so to speak!
Try this: Hold up your hands, palms facing each other, make fists, except for your index fingers, and aim those at each other. Next, slowly move your fingers toward each other and watch how your fingernails meet, superimpose in that moment, and then each keep on going their own way! Now, sloooow that process down to very small movement, and watch as the "timeXspace relativity" of your lifetime (your fingernails) crosses paths, just like "the past" (your infancy) moves into "the future" (your aging status), and "the future" invertedly moves into the past, *sparking* the YOU that the superimposition creates as it moves along! I have always been intrigued about how this soooo tries to reveal to us that every day, every moment in fact, we are a superimposition of ourselves (as are time and space), one step (or should I say too/two!) removed...as if we are not simply one person at all, but rather billions of versions of ourselves (aka: each other, when all is said and done) as we cross paths with our inverses, ever so imperceptibly, the elusive *Now* (home of the Universal *Core,* Shared Soul, science's elusive explosiveXimplosive "Big Bang" and The Nothing!), trying to find our way/*Way* (Tao) back "home" again!
Draw two horizontal lines, make them arrows, each inverted from the other, and then draw vertical lines through them, spaced across your arrows. See those momentary pan flashes, aka zillions of different still/*still* photos of our many, many "mes?!"
While humans, as with any sentient species, apply meaningfulnesses to everything as a way of establishing and hopefully ensuring their own survival, to the Universe overall, every moment of our lives is just another still/*still* frame in its tourist/two-er ist videos!
If you have ever taken a statistics class, you certainly remember the "normal curve," so draw one of those, right now! Simply draw a solid horizontal line across a page, and then immediately above it, draw a perfectly symmetrical "mountain," such that everything to its left is an equal inverse to its right! Using little vertical dashes, like |, mark off your center and label it 0, and then add an equal amount to the left and right of your center line (3 will do, for the demonstration), and mark those as such:
... -3, -2, -1, 0, +1, +2, +3...
In *reality,* our lives resemble a somewhat "normal" curve, straight out of that good ole stats class you may have hoped you'd never see again. With enough Consciousness, and eerie attentiveness, it can actually be seen that our lives can be folded over, such that what is seen and experienced in the beginning with be seen and experienced again in the end! It is as creepy as it is something to curiously, and very *respectfully,* observe! It is also sometimes way too much information! Things you encountered, for instance, at ages 2, 4, 6 and 8, will be "met again" on the other side of your life, at 8, 6, 4 and 2... *reflectively* (and frequencyXintensity respectively!) on that "normal curve!" Unresolved issues will surface to seek their resolutions in their own inverses and relative *energies* in the same way!
"The person old in days will not hesitate to ask a little child of seven days old (one week/weak of projection, in relative simultaneity) about the place of life, and that person will live (through the child)!"...
"For many of the first will be the last (invertedly, the 'little child of seven days' will live through 'the person old in days.')"
"...and will become a single one." (a superimposition of the other!)
Hopefully, an *Old (Remembering) Soul!*
Observing the Universe from a *place* of realized *Presence,* meaning all the while attentively within it, no less, is absolutely fascinating! What an astonishingly intriguing Universe we're all a part of, but what a shame only a rare handful get to actually Awaken to what it actually is, in Truth! Missing out on Consciously SHARING that *realized Presence,* the vast majority of the world's population in any generation also misses out on *realizing* themselves for what and whom, as *Worthy* enough entities, they truly are!
It is also true that when we are born, until convention rushes in to redirect us, we have incredible raw, undistracted *access* to the physics truth of our own inherent reality, and then it is lost (for most)...until on the other side of life when that energy resurfaces as the dream of life fades, and the real truth once again tries to reclaim its rightful place.