Monday, June 5, 2023

Ancient Quantum Physics

Was Jesus really a highly *realized* quantum physics/relativity Aware/applying Christ?

So far, so good.  Let's do some more! I long ago wrote them out in my handwritten notes. Not sure where those notes got off to (that was 5 years ago!), but it is so easy to see and recognize with Consciousness, so let's do some more!

It has been a while since I began going through all of Nag Hammadi's 114 (Gospel of Thomas)  "Sayings of Jesus"**  to show how they consistently express and reveal a very strong Awakening and application of NonLinear Universal/Relativity Physics, and with my *Clear Path* to Universal superConsciousness...for Scientists blog going strong and running into this topic, it is time for me to go through and demonstrate that consistent *realization* in the rest of these.  All 114!

So beautifully intriguing!

Please read the first of these, already written here, which can really knock your socks off if you are *ready* for the REAL Truth behind my statements on the Science blog that modern scientists are not the first to know, they are the last to know!

"Whoever has ears to hear should hear!" - Nag Hammadi Jesus

** Ancient texts discovered in Nag Hammadi, Egypt in 1945, from Constantine's era, 300s, but dating back to the man Jesus' time, 60 AD and before. Wanting one mind, Consciousness was banned from the bible by Constantine et al, and the books (many) were hidden for later discovery when society would be able to handle the truth.

Quantum physics truth!