Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Nag Hammadi Library: Jesus, the NonLinear Scientist? Saying 2

2 Jesus said, "Let one who seeks not stop seeking until one finds. When one finds, one will be troubled. When one is troubled, one will marvel and will reign over all."

(My NonLinear Interpretation):

Everything we do in life is moved and motivated by our need to return ourselves to the *Universal Core Truth* of our Inherent Beingness, our very Existence. If one moves right, one is motivated to move left. If one goes up, one is motivated to go down, etc.. The Truth "lies" (see?!) *in the middle.*  That means that the perfect-most state (of Emptiness...of all projection/distraction) is at the Universal *Core,* but to live life itself, distraction from that perfect-most *Core Truth* is required!  (Movement into *The Something,* aka the beginning of "The scientific mass-to-matter God Particle!").  We have to project to live, but all life is the state (journey) of trying to learn how to UNproject ourselves back to that perfect-most *Core* of our inherent Universal Truth! So, everyone is moved and motivated toward both: the dream of living, while simultaneously the restoration of their *balanced Core* they distracted themselves from. 

*The Two Truths!* 

The more successful one is in restoring that *balance,* the more one is removed from convention ("what everyone else is doing"), but the rarity of genuine Enlightenment (that "less than 1% of the entire world's population") in society leaves the person feeling "left out," and "no longer fitting in." This is because we are always moved and motivated toward the opposite of where we *are,* because the opposites act like a sodium-potassium pump** of life that *causes* all "motivation" to begin (and end) with!

The natural, inherent, social (but becoming Conscious) being goes through an inescapable angst of isolation, and it is kind of like discovering there is no Santa Claus. etc., after a lifetime (til that point) of being led otherwise. 

Suddenly, everything one was living seems like a lie, and all one's vested interests in life, including traditions and meaningfulnesses, are seemingly gone. That is why "one will be troubled." 

But then, one "marvels" at the sheer beauty of it All/Awe, *realizing* the Bigger Picture, seeing the patterns of life, the structure in its seeming abstraction, its multidimensionality, the mathematics and translucence in language, etc., its Ultimate Empathy, where everything suddenly has an Answer! 

The Ultimate *Aha!*

Having *this much information* leaves one/*One* with the genuine ability to "reign over all," because one/*One* is then fluent in the inherent Nature and *Core* of ALL beings, and all Existence.

** Neurology: How the neurons in your brain work.